CSD and City Configure Revised Pick-Up and Drop-Off Plan for Decatur High

The details

Due to reduced lanes associated with ongoing streetscape work on N. McDonough Street, school and city officials have been working together on an interim plan to accommodate buses and student pick-up and drop-off. That plan involves moving such activities around the corner onto W. Howard Avenue.


The impact

W. Howard Avenue has now been re-striped with two lanes running west from N. McDonough, providing sufficient space for through traffic to bypass vehicles engaged in drop-off or pick-up along the curb.


How to manage

Buses will now drop off and pick up in the section of West Howard closest to N. McDonough, highlighted in the header image above. Students may be picked up just beyond this section, parallel to the faculty parking lot or from the horseshoe-shaped lot on Commerce.

Please help us ensure safe and efficient arrivals and departures by following these ground rules:

Arrival/Student Drop-off

  • Students may be dropped off before 8 a.m. on W. Howard on the section of the street parallel to the faculty parking lot. Please do not use Howard for student drop-off after 8. Doing so will interfere with our ability to get student drivers into the parking lot.
  • Students may be dropped off in the horseshoe-shaped Commerce lot at any time during the morning.
  • Students should not be dropped of on N. McDonough at any time. The front of the building will be nearly inaccessible from the street for the foreseeable future.
  • Students should not be dropped off in the parking area at the corner of N. McDonough and W. Howard at any time.
  • Cars may not be stopped in the bus lane adjacent to the trailers at any time for any reason between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Cars parked or stopped in the bus lane will be subject to ticketing by DPD.
  • Students may enter the building through the side of the cafeteria by walking from Commerce, through the Career Academy doors, or through the front doors.

Dismissal/Student Pick-up

  • Students should not be picked up on N. McDonough at any time. The front of the building will be nearly inaccessible from the street for the foreseeable future.
  • Students should not be picked up in the parking area at the corner of N. McDonough and W. Howard at any time.
  • Cars may not be stopped in the bus lane adjacent to the trailers at any time for any reason between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Cars parked or stopped in the bus lane will be subject to ticketing by DPD.
  • The student and Frasier Center parking exit onto Howard will be right turn only between 3:30 and 3:45 to ensure safe departures from Campus, as buses will be blocking sight lines.

Got questions? Direct them here.

Project rendering

An overview of the completed project. Click for larger view and zoom in for greater detail.

McDonough Streetscape