Big Apple, a paving, striping and sealing contractor, is currently ramping up for multiple striping projects on Ponce de Leon Avenue and Coventry Road. Residents are advised to expect the following projects in the near future…
Author: Hugh Saxon

Get Yourself Up to Speed — a Safe Speed — on Decatur’s Repaving and Traffic Calming Projects
Every summer, as part of their yearly budgeting process, the Decatur City Commission authorizes the repair and repaving of certain local streets over the approaching fiscal year.
In 2023 that authorization included work on South McDonough Street, Adair Street, Coventry Road, West Dougherty Street, 3rd Avenue, and Glendale Avenue.
New this year were efforts to maximize the value of tax dollars spent by using some of the projects — S. McDonough, Adair, and Coventry — as an opportunity to also implement, test, and refine long-requested traffic calming interventions…

City’s Yearly Repaving Program Set to Begin Monday, December 4
Weather permitting, Decatur’s yearly repaving program will get underway Monday, Dec 4th. Signs will be posted on the respective streets in advance of the work.
All vehicles must be removed from any affected street during daylight hours, 7am to 6pm, while work is being performed. Vehicles parked on the street during posted times are subject to towing…

Repaving Begins Today on South Columbia at Derrydown Way
Weather permitting, paving will begin today, October 13, near the intersection of South Candler Drive and Derrydown Way, as we take our next important step towards a completed multi-use path from Talley Street to the East Decatur Greenway…

Final Pavement Striping on Church Street and Commerce Drive Starts this Week
Repairs and repaving on Church Street and Commerce Drive are now complete and new permanent pavement striping, pavement markings, and signs will be installed throughout the project area starting on Thursday, September 28. This phase of the work should last about 2 weeks, depending on weather conditions…

Here’s What’s Next Once Church Street Milling and Repairs Conclude this Week
Deep milling and asphalt repairs to Church Street and Commerce Drive should be completed this week. Starting on Tuesday, September 5, final asphalt resurfacing will begin on Church Street and extend throughout the entire project area. This phase of work should be completed in 7 to 10 days depending on the weather. ..

Repaving and Restriping Bringing Church Street Cycle Track Work to an End
Road reconstruction and repaving on Commerce Drive and Church Street is expected to start the week of August 14, weather permitting. The work includes Commerce Drive from its intersection with Clairemont Avenue to its intersection with Church Street; and then Church Street from Commerce Drive to Forkner Drive…

Repaving and Restriping Efforts Ramping Up on Commerce Drive
Pavement markings on Commerce Drive between Clairemont Avenue and Church Street will be installed next week to restore traffic service to all previous lanes. This will be a temporary measure until a major repair and repaving project on Commerce and Church Street starts in mid-August…

Church Street Temporary Lane Closure
A DeKalb County sewer repair will require a lane closure on Church Street starting on Wednesday, May 17 in front of Glenlake Park. Work is expected to take 5 to 7 days, weather permitting…

Yearly Paving Begins: Watch for work on East Ponce and South McDonough
Two local paving projects are expected to begin on or around Monday, January 9: East Ponce de Leon Avenue from Sycamore Drive to N. Arcadia Avenue; and South McDonough Drive from Davis Street to Garland Avenue. Some disruption of the area will occur and motorists should expect delays…