The impact
Milagros Collective, the artists designing and painting the mural on the MARTA overpass at the corner of W. Trinity Place and Atlanta Avenue are back to finish up and to help with installation of the newly created Playspace underneath the bridge.
Felici Asteinza and Joey Fillastre (the artists that make up the Milagros Collective) will begin painting on Saturday, April 1 at 9 a.m. They will paint each day from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. from April 1 – April 9. West Trinity Avenue will be closed to through traffic near the overpass to ensure their safe access and work.
How to manage
The following vehicles will be allowed passage: vehicles going and coming from 700 Atlanta Avenue; vehicles going and coming to the Decatur Police Department or Decatur Municipal Court; delivery drivers for Trinity Walk; and employees and visitors of the Task Force for Global Health. Trinity Walk residents should enter and exit the complex via W. Trinity Place at Waters Street.
Further details
Thank you for your patience as we beautify this area and save the date of Sunday, April 23 for the dedication and celebration of the community mural and new playspace. Celebration details to follow once they are confirmed. In the meantime, feel free to walk by the location and watch the progress.
Got questions? Direct them here.