Yearly Paving Begins: Watch for work on East Ponce and South McDonough

The impact

Two local paving projects are expected to begin on or around Monday, January 9: East Ponce de Leon Avenue from Sycamore Drive to N. Arcadia Avenue; and South McDonough Drive from Davis Street to Garland Avenue. Some disruption of the area will occur and motorists should expect delays.

How to manage

Notifications will be provided on each street three days in advance of the start of construction. All vehicles must be removed from the street during daylight hours, 7am to 6pm, when work is performed. Vehicles parked on the street during posted times are subject to towing. 

Two-way traffic and access to driveways will be maintained during construction. Watch for directional signage and/or traffic flaggers when navigating these areas.

Further details

This work, which was approved by the City Commission as part of the city’s customary repaving projects each year, will be performed by Magnum Paving and will include asphalt resurfacing, asphalt base patching, and concrete sidewalk repairs.

Got questions? Contact Jennings Bell via phone at 678-553-6529 or via email here.