The impact
Construction on the installation of a new Rapid Flashing Beacon at 184 South Candler Street (near the Charis Bookstore) and a median island at South Candler Street and Midway Road is expected to begin on Monday, February 15, 2021 and take about 2 months to complete.
How to manage
South Candler Street and adjoining streets will remain open for traffic during construction. However, some traffic delays can be expected. GTG Traffic Signals of Marietta, the contractor on the project, will be responsible for traffic control through the work zone during active construction.
Further details
City staff has been working with Agnes Scott College, the Georgia Department of Transportation and the Decatur community to provide safe pedestrian crossings on South Candler Street for residents, Agnes Scott College students and faculty and the City Schools of Decatur Safe Routes to School program.
Got questions? Contact David Junger, Assistant City Manager at 404-377-5571, or send an email here.